Monday, April 21, 2008

Objectivity, Darwin, and Sputterings

Anybody? Anybody? Bueller? Bueller?

After reading some opinion pieces about this controversial documentary, I am looking forward to seeing what all the fuss is about:;_ylt=AhcgIkjWaICSg1m_dhywKAqs0NUE

I think this film will go on to add to perceptions about academia's closed-mindedness.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Rip NPR a new one

Let me preface this post by saying I listen to NPR incessantly - my radio dial is pretty much stuck on 94.9 (KUOW Seattle). But listening to a music review of a single noted composition (B flat for the entire song), I couldn't help but think of how ludicrous the piece was... I kept visualizing Dana Carvey or Mike Myers spoofing this on SNL - just imagine them performing the skit using the exact same words as the NPR review...

It's even better if you listen to it.

La Familia


Kickin' around w/ dad @ the soccer fields.

Fun with Popo

Ring-around-the-rosie! Fun with Popo.

Eyes Open

Hello world!

Shame vs. Guilt

Most asians understand "Mien Ze" or "Diou Nien" well - the words certainly elicits a visceral reaction from some of us, but until reading the CS article linked above, I had never considered the concept in "guilt-based" or "shame-based" terms.

In the below quote, I find the implications interesting:

" Though this is not a hard and fast rule, Zheng suggests, in general terms 'guilt means you try to be good in the eyes of God; shame means you try to be good in the eyes of your neighbors.' "

This goes a long way in explaining the Chinese "me-first except when it makes me look bad" culture.

The Shame

Lunch w/ BGoh

Abstinence/Hookup Culture - Naive Extremes

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